Hello Everyone, I am typing this message from My OLD Computer. It has now been several days since my computer was hacked into and all my old saved messages deleted and all my contacts from my address book stolen and delelted. I have run our Norton antivirus software and nothing came back saying that I had a virus on my computer. It was clear. But to make doubly certain that my computer is now safe to use again we took it into Staples to have them double check it too and to see if there was any other damage done to it. Staples IT Technician told me that there was NO need to change my email address. Just changing my password and doing it on a regular bases was all that was needed.
I would like to let everyone know that I have receieved several message saying this same thing happen to them and it was discovered that their computers was compromised through their "Facebook" accounts". I have NO idea if this is true or not but I am not taking anymore chances with them. I just started a facebook account a few weeks back. I have tried on a couple of acassions now to delete my "Facebook Account" with NO luck. If anyone know how to delete their facebook account please email and let me know. Thanks.
Another aspect of having this happen to me and my computer is that I have LOST all my friends contact email addies. This has been very sad for me because I can not write anyone to let them know this has happen because I not longer have their email addresses. Such a "Nasty and Evil person" he or she was to do this to me and others. Again, I would like to Thank everyone for your understanding and thoughful and kind messages of support you have sent me. They all have been greatly appreciated. Hugs Judy
Hello Everyone,
Today my computer was hacked into and all my contact information stolen and deleted and my email messages all deleted too. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo very upset over this. One good thing they did not delete my blog. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that everyone is getting emails from me asking for money. Please do not respond to this UK Scam. I do NOT need money. I have changed my password and will probably have to change my email addy soon. Again. I am so sorry for this mess. Extremely Sad Face. It has truly been a nightmare for me. Hugs Judy
Update: I would like to thank all my dear friends for their kind and caring messages to me. I would also like to thank my friends who have called me to give me words of encouragement and support. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I pray that nothing like this ever happens to any of you or me again. It has been the most awful experience. I feel like someone broke into my house, beat me and left me for dead. I went to bed last night feeling very ill over all of this.
I have been overwhelmed by this attack on my computer and hopefully in time I will get back with everyone personally to thank you all for your kind support.
Hopefully I will soon get back to my cheerful self..
How very upsetting!
I got two emails from "You" of course I realized straight away that it was not you so sent the emails to the trash can.
Don't let it get you down Judy x
Judy - if you just change your password, you will be good - the truth is that any email address you use can be spoofed. So it could become a never ending cycle if you keep changing your email.
I had a similar thing happen on facebook 2-3 weeks ago and my account was deleted because I violated my terms of service. GOOD LUCK
Hi Judy, I also recievedf emails from you and new that it was not you sending this out asking for money. Don't worry about it and keep on stitching.
One more thing, I don't think this is a UK scam because of the use of the word hoodlams!
Hi Judy. just receved email and knew straightaway something was wrong,Take care hugs jeanxx
I'm so sorry to hear that this happed to you. I got the e-mail from you too, but knew it was a fake. How does this happen and what can we do to prevent it? Hugs! Carol
So sorry to hear this Judy. Hope you get things back soon x
Anyone that knows you would know it didn't come from you. Don't take it personally, it's not directed at you as a person, they try everything
One of those emails arrived in my inbox today Judy...sounded fishy so I checked the blog address and arrived here. How horrible for you to be 'used' like this!! {{{{hugs}}}}
I have had this happen to another friend, same exact letter. So sorry this happened to you. Take care.
Good luck Judy, I hope you get things sorted soon. I've heard about these emails but never seen one. Thinking of you, cheers Pennie
Hi Judy,
I deleated the message as I knew it was spam.
I have had the same thing happen to me on twitter this week.
Sorry it's happened to you too.x
Hi Judy,
I got the email too. So sorry you were hacked. I tried to email you and warn you but i guess that would have een deleted too. You take care swet lady xxJ
Hello Judy, I thought something was up you emailed me for money to get out of a hotel in England,you would have asked for threads!!! Hope it all works out. Happy days.
Judy hi
I'm so sorry this has happened Judy. What unpleasant people there are around. They are sick selfish people who try to spoil things for everyone else. Our job is not to let them.
I received the email too and realised what it was. There had been a report in the paper only a few weeks ago of a similar incident. I immediately emailed you to tell you about it but it may not have arrived.
Please don't let it get you down. Your blog gives so much pleasure and that overcomes everything
Angela xx
Angela xx
Hello Everyone.
You are ALL so kind and understanding. Thank you my dear friends. I love you all.
I am feeling very sad about this and feel like I have been beaten up. I am glad that you all was not taken in by this awful message. It will probably take me a long time to get all the stuff back that this person deleted off my computer.
I have NO Ones email addies. But with everyone that has been writing me and I have been slowing adding the addresses back in my contact file. All my message were also deleted so if you sent me a message and I had not reponded yet, know that I no longer have that message.
Take care all and I pray this never happen to anyone else. Hugs Judy
Judy - so sorry that you have been a victim of a hacker. I can well understand how upsetting it is for you. :(((
I did receive an email and knew right away that it was a hoax. They are so clever to make the email look exactly like it was from you. Too bad they can't funnel those smart to something more productive.
Thinking of you - let me know your knew email addy when you have it.
Hi Judy!
Well, I just came over to let you know I got the scammer's email. I knew it wasn't you! I've seen this happen before to another bloggy friend! I am so sorry that this has happened. This is one of the reasons why I don't have my email address available in my blogger profile and I also don't EVER leave it in comments of another blog. When I saw the subject line of the email I immediately knew it was a scam and that your account had been hacked into. I'm so sorry, my friend! This is an awful thing to have happen to you! I don't know why people can be so "evil"!!!
I do hope you are able to get it sorted out! I wish I could be of some help, but I don't know anything about it! The subject line of the email says "NEED YOUR HELP URGENTLY". I wonder if you can go to www.snopes.com and see if they have any resources listed about what to do about this. They usually only verify if a circulating rumor is a scam/hoax or real, but they may have some info on this as well. Also, try googling (searching) "email scam" or something to see if there are resources listed on what to do. I wish I could remember my blog friend who also had this happen so you could talk to her to see what she did about it.
This must be so frustrating to you! Just remember that it is not your fault that some HACKER illegally broke into your account and deliberately tried to scam all your friends! I do hope no one fell for it.
Bless your heart! I'd be so upset if this happened to me. Like I said, I wish I could be of some help.
Listen if you figure out what to do about it please share it on your blog!
~TattingChic ♥
P.S. prior to leaving this message I sent an email out to you...it was returned saying it was undeliverable. I used the email from your blogger profile.
Just thought I'd let you know.
So sorry that this happened to you!
How awful, Judy! Bad enough when they use your address to send stuff, but to actually remove things? I had to get rid of my anti stuff program, and go with microsoft's free one, which is a much better protector!
Judy I really feel for you hun....sorry your accounts were hacked, but I'm glad no-one has mugged you at gun point, and that the hotel is holding your id for 'ransom'....I had just sent the dog up the corner with a cap to see if he could collect some cash for you, but whistled him back when I saw that it was a scam....hope it all gets sorted, and won't be a continual hassle for you. Hugs Naomi
Oh my dear Judy, just read 'your' email in my inbox and hoped that for goodness sake it was just a scam, couldn't bear to think of you being mugged! Having your computer hacked is more than bad enough. I do hope everything is back to normal, because I do know how you feel - my credit card details were 'acquired' somehow and I had all sorts of stuff purchased on it before I knew. Sending transAtlantic hugs to you!
Chrissie x
So sorry this has happened to you Judy, it really is too bad!! I haven't had an e mail yet but am forwarned now. Take heart and stay cheerful please!!
So sorry this happened to you!!! I got the emails but was quick to delete them:)
My hubby cleans up the messes caused by these everyday. He is a local moble and over the internet computer tech.
He said there is no need to get rid of your email address. He said if you email him he can give you a few tips on what to do to make sure it is all out of your computer and what to do to prevent it from happening again! His email is geocrasher@gmail.com, His name is Ryan:)
Hugs and sorry again!!
Ann Flowers
Dear Judy,
I hope you get this mess fixed. What a life these computer hackers live, puff! nothing better to do? I am on facebook and have heard of these things happening through there, one has to take real good care of what files to open.
But my computer crashed the old way. Just was too old to function and died on me. So, I also lost all email adresses of my friends and am trying to get them back. So glad to see your adress on here but don´t leave it open online like this for too long. Better to write (at) instead of @
Look forward to be in touch again
Lots of hugs
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