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Monday, June 22, 2009

Mug Monday and More Lovely Flowers

Valerie Greeley from "Acornmoon" is celebrating Mug Monday and I signed up to show off my Favorite Mugs along with many others. Valarie creates the most beautiful Mugs. Valarie's artwork is incredibly stunning. Sorry I am a bit behind in posting but it is still AM here in the "Good Ole USA"!!

I have several mugs I use often but I selected these because they are unique. Starting from the left the first and second one I bought while visiting the England several years ago. I bought them in Bournemouth in southern England. They are fine porcelain mugs designed in England from Pimpernel. I thought they were very lovely. I have a country kitchen with the theme of roasters and sunflowers so these mugs fit into my kitchen very well. The third one I bought in Oregon many years ago. The fourth one I bought while visiting Poland. It is a large Polish Pottery Mug with the theme also of sunflowers.

On the top shelve is some of my wool felting and embroidery work. The wee house is also polish pottery and I burn wee candles inside it. Now I will have to go and have a look around the world and see what other lovely "Mugs" I can fine. Please visit "Acorn" to find the list of other ladies displaying there Mugs today.

My Princess Spirea just about in full bloom. Oh, How I love this lovely bush.

More roses and peonies. I hope you all enjoyed looking at my favorite mugs and visiting my gardens again. Hugs Judy



Art4Sol said...

What a wonderful collection, Judy!

Unknown said...

Your mugs are very cute. I am eyeing that darling mosaic planter with the hearts on it! So very pretty! :)

Caroline Gill said...

Yes, I love your mugs - and I so nearly chose a pig mug, too! Thank you for visiting me (virtually) over here in South Wales, UK. Happy Mug Monday!

Acornmoon said...

I love the naive farm animals, they remind me of Warren Kimble.

Willow said...

Isn't it wonderful to have a collection with so many memories?

Cathy said...

Hi, I was really late posting my mug as I have had such a busy day but I am just now having a chance to visit everyone else. Lovely photo of your mugs and kitchen. It is so nice to have a bit of a story attached to something you use and love.

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful collections of mugs and I enjoyed visiting your blog. I will be back to see more.


Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely mugs and flowers...


Hello all your lovely ladies, I sure did enjoy Mug Monday. I did not get visit everyone but I will plan to do that this week. I truly enjoyed looking at everyones unique mugs and the stories behind them. It was also really super that I have met some new friends from around the world too. Tyhanks Valerie for hosting this fun day of Mug Monday. Hugs Judy

Cathy said...

Hi Sweetie, I enjoyed looking at your mugs, especially the ones of "roAsters". Made me laugh - I know you meant ROOsters, and that a roaster (chicken) is *almost* the same thing, LOL, but I had to tease you! ;-) I LOVE your garden and have even printed out the last picture ("more roses & peonies" because I like the little fence and trellis work, and we're looking for ideas! Big hugs, Cathy

Heather said...

You collect mugs... I collect tea cups, VBG! Lovely... and so is your garden. Hugs.


Hello Heather, I do have a wee collection of mugs from different countries I have visited and ones friends have sent me. Love to see your tea cup collection. Hugs Judy

Hello Cathy, Darn, I am such a bad speller, I usually try and catch them but missed this one. The fence was designed by my sweet hubby and it took him 6 months to finish it. I do love it and I will tell him someone else admires it too. Hugs Judy

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