My Sweetie took me on a holiday to Paducah Kentucky to visit the Paducah Quilt Show. This is part 1 of my report of this fantastic trip. I am a crazy quilter so I was very thrilled to discover a full size Crazy Quilt called, "Crazy About Ballet" by Linda Steele from Victoria Australia. This CQ is truly beautiful in every way. It must of taken her forever to finish this quilt. Below I have several close-up of the middle blocks. Congratulation Linda on this truly beautiful quilt. I was told by Libby Lehman one of my class teacher who also is a judge in selecting quilt for this show. Libby said, that over 600 quilts were submitted for this show and only 365 was selected to be shown. She stated it is an honor to be selected to show your quilt at this show and a real honor to win an award. Click on "
Winning Quilts At Paducah" to see all the winning quilts.

The Ballerina Block.

The Cinderella Block.

The Blue Bird block.

The Christmas Block.

I really have a great appreciation of nature and wildlife and I really loved this quilt allot.

I instantly loved this quilt which I considered a "Family" quilt.

This quilt was created from a quilter from "The Netherlands"..

When I left Michigan it was very coolish and rainy. Most of our trip through Illinois was also rainy, coolish and very windy. But when we arrived in Paducah all of a sudden the weather became sunny, with blue skies and a glorious temps in the 70ishF. Truly wonderful for a Northern. As we were coming into Paducah I took several photo of all the glorious blooming flowers I could see. Here is some lovely "Azalea" Blooming.

I thought these "French White" Lilacs were stunning.

There isn't any tree more gorgeous than a Blooming "Red Bud" tree.

At the end of February an Ice Storm blew through Paducah and much of Kentucky. This photo is only a wee reflection of all the damage that was done to thousands and thousands of trees.

This is the most gorgeous Crab Apple Tree. It is so full with blooms. It made me happy just looking at it.

While I was in Kentucky my wee gardens were also blooming. It was a very pleasant surprise to see the sunny faces of my daffodils.

This is my first tulip to bloom.

And my Forsythia were also blooming. In the background you can see my "Trillium" just starting to come up in our woods.
In my next post I will show you some more of the "Minature Quilts" I really admired and some of the "Goodies" I bought along with my friends I met down in Paducah. Take care all,

Welcome home, Judy! I've missed you. It sounds like you had a lot of fun in Paducah; I'm glad the weather was nice for you. Your quilt pictures are fantastic, and I can't wait to see your next report. Talk to you soon, dearie! Hugs, Cathy
Oh, those quilts are absolutely gorgeous. I cannot imagine the skills of those artists. The quilts must have been unbelievable to see in person. Thank you for sharing them.
Hi Judy, I am glad you had a great time in Paducah! I was even happier to see a post from you today...I was getting worried that you got lost in the "land of Crazy goodies" LOL
Looking forward to seeing all the "goodies" you got...go ahead...torture me ! :-)
Welcome Home!
Hi Judy, The quilts are beautiful. I love the top quilt, it is exquisite. I'm sure you had a lovely day. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures. Looks like spring has sprung!! Have a great day!
Hello Cathy, Thanks for Welcoming me home. It is wonderful to go on a holiday but always wonderful to come back home.Yes, the quilts were all awesome. Hugs judy
Hello Liz, you are toooo funny. I will be showing all my goodies soon. Let me tell you one could very easily get overwhelmed with all those goodies down in Paducah. But I am proud to say I was conservative in my spending. LOL Hugs Judy
Hello Carol, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comment. Yes Spring has Sprung in Michigan which is soooo wonderful to see. Hugs Judy
Hello Carolyn, Thanks for visiting my blog, I truly enjoy reading and enjoying the lovely photos in your blog too. Hugs Judy
Hi Judy, welcome back... your friends have missed you. So happy you had a wonderful time. That quilt is so lovely, I especially love the ballerina and the bluebird. And of course, how can I resist loving the otters on the other quilt.... just darling! Looks like your garden will be lovely.... wonder when I'll be able to get to mine, VBG! Hugs.
Those blocks are absolutely gorgeous! The quilt show looks like a nice event.
The flower pics are beautiful, too! :)
Hello Heather, Nice to hear from you. Yes, isn't that CQ truly beautiful. I love the nature ones too. I am glad to be back home and chatting with my friends again. Hugs Judy
Hello Tatting Chic, Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave you lovely comment. The CQ is stunning, I wish I had her talent. Hugs Judy
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