For the last several weeks I have been taking an online class from Rita Goff from the Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery yahoo group. I have certainly learned allot and I thank Rita for being so patience with me and all my questions. This is my "Circle of Flower" project 3/4 complete with two more flowers to learn.

This photo is an up close of the "Cast-On Flower" using the lovely variegated purple Lola thread. This flower I have found the most challenging so far. It is not the casting on the thread to the needle that was challenging but the sequence of how the petals laid in the circle that was a bit confusing to learn. But with Rita's assistance the above cast-on flower was created. vbg I think it is such a lovely wee flower.

This photo is of "Creeping Flower" in the pretty pink color and the "Baby Breath" flower in the pearl white. I really love the BE flosses because they make your project shine. I have certainly been enjoying this class and I hope to use all my new Brazilian Embroidery skills to embellish "The Crazy Quilt Of My Dreams". So stay tune next time I will have photos of this wee project completed for you all to see.

This is fantastic. Is it hard to learn? I love it.
I really like the way the flowers are so three dimensional. All those bullions.....and so neatly done.
Judy, this is gorgeous. Your patience and perseverance has been worth it. Stunning
The caston has come out really well. I see that you're about to finish the project-only one more flower to go.
Great work!!!
Oh Judy those are lovely, can't wait to see it finished.
Rosie x
Judy, All I can say is WOW absolutly lovely. Amazing job you have patience. My goodness girl you should be proud of your self.
great job
Judy... your project is coming along lovely, I do believe your cast on flower is much better than mine.... keep on pushing, you are almost there. Hugs....Heather
Hello Jeannie, I think BE is a bit of a challenge but well worth the effort. Thanks for visitng. Hugs Judy
Hello Diane, yup I like the 3 dinmensional look of this kind of stitching too. Hugs Judy
Jane, You are a sweetie. You make me blush with you lovely comments. Hugs Judy
Hello Deepa, Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave me your lovely message. Very nice coming from a BE expert. Hugs Judy
Hello Rosie, Thanks for your lovely comment. Much appreciated.
Hello Susan, you are too kind. Thanks for leaving your lovely message. Hugs judy
Hello Heather, Thanks for the encouraging words. Yup, just about done and your Cast-on flower is very lovely too. Hugs jUdy
OH MY! How beautiful! What wonderful work!
Lovely work Judy, the cast on flower is fantastic!
Beautiful work! I love the prezzy and the sculpture garden in the previous post, too! :)
He4y Nancy, Thanks for your lovely comment. Your tatting is lovely too. Hugs Judy
Hello Maureen, Coming from an expert your lovely comment is most appreciated. Hugs Judy
Hello Taatting Chic, Great to hear from you and thanks for the super comment on my BE stitching. Hugs Judy
Lovely! I really like this piece! Can't wait to see it finished!
This is lovely, i would love you to show me how you make the blue flowers! It'll be beautiful finished.
xx Jeannie
Your work is gorgeous... well worth the hard work learning..... it will be lovely on your crazy patch. It looks similar to stump work but maybe not as fine?
Thanks for stopping by my blog... I was so happy to see you.... Been awhile both ways..
I got caught up in traditional rug hooking and needle punch! Honestly so many things to learn...
I will be back to see how you use this beautiful work...xoxo
Very beautiful, Judy.
Absolutely beautiful Judy! I would love to learn to do this type of embroidery too. Maybe one day.
Nice to "meet" you and thanks for visiting my blog.
Your embroidery looks very accomplished, lovely!
Such beautiful stitches!
Love the shiny threads. One day I will try BE till then I will enjoy yours :-)
Beautiful Judy.
Maureen, Thanks for the lovely comment. Hugs Judy
Hello Liz, I also love the shiny look for the BE threads and the demensional flowers they create.
Lisa, Thanks soo much for your lovely comment about my BE stitches much appreciated. Hugs Judy
Hello Accorn, Thanks for visiting my blog and your very lovely comment about my BE stitching. ugs Judy
Hello Thelma, Thanks sooo much for visiting and taking the time to leave your lovely comment. Hugs Judy
Hello Darlene, Thanks sooo very much for stopping by my blog and leaving your very sweet comment. Hugs Judy
Hello Maggie, Soooo wonderful to chat with you again. You have been missed. Also thanks for your lovely comment on my BE stitching. Hugs Judy
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