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Sunday, September 16, 2007

September Blooms

These lovely Hibiscus was blooming last week in my garden. Their blooms are sooooo gorgeous to look at this time of year when the rest of your garden is looking sad. The other pic is of a Sedum another beautiful flower that blooms in the Autumn.


Unknown said...

I almost bought a Hibiscus just today at the garden center! They were having a fall sale where patrons can use "bucks" acquired from earlier-in-the-season shopping purchases, and I wanted to use mine up for the year. I ended up putting the Hibiscus back in favor of a Meyer Lemon tree, which is a bit tender in my zone but can be babied along successfully through the winter on a sheltered porch or basement.

Your post makes me wistfull (now) that I did not stick with my original choice :(

Cheers to you, Judy!

Susan said...

The hibiscus blooms are lovely! Certainly surpass anything I saw in the grasslands today. =)

I loved seeing a picture of you, in the post below. How cool that you got your picture in the paper, and some publicity for the project!

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