The top photo shows a picture of the next step which will be crazy piecing the small center hexagon. I plan to add a photo transfer photo inside the heart area.
I have 16 more muslin templates to crazy piece so much work to go. The piecing of all these templates will be the most challenging for me. Then I will be able to start the fun part of embroidery and embellishing.
Goodmorning Judy...
Looks like you are really sailing along with your quilt. It's going to be a beauty! How big will it be? Wallhanging size?
I just have to tell you I did my FIRST hyperlink on my blog this morning in my ONE WORLD-ONE HEART
post. Have you heard of this? I think it is going to be so much fun... Take a look if you have time.
Meanwhile I must say we have missed your smiling face on BAD! I finished beading my cuff and now I will put it on the form(With any luck!VBG)
It's very cols and snowing again here to-day.. A good day to be inside enjoying myself!! Hope you have a great day too..
Judy, this is going to be one absolutely gorgeous quilt your work is always spectacular and you put so much of yourself into it -- I sure will follow your blog -- and I admire you for taking on such a challenge. Great work, my friend. I have added a link to your blog on mine so others can see this too.
Jackie in IL
hi judy
oh its going to be a beauty all right!! and such lovely colors-thanks for letting us share your journey with you :)
Judy - I can't tell you how exciting this is to watch your dream quilt come to life! You will surely have a great squad of cheerleaders here encouraging you if you ever need them! I love this center hexagon - outstanding!
wow, that's going to be gorgeous. Love the colors you picked out.
Beautiful palette, and the pinks fit right in. I actually think I like this rose background better than the last one. =)
Wow! You are really moving along, Girl!It is already beautiful, and will just get more so, as time goes on...
so, to give you a break from stitching and cutting, cutting and stitching....TAG! You're IT!
I've been tagged by my friend, Victoria, at for a game of Meme. I am supposed to tell you seven things that you probably don't know about me and then tag seven more bloggers.For those whom I tag, here's what to do: The rules of the game are this–Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.Post the rules on your blog.Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog.Tag 7 people and link to them.Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Please play....there must be some fun secrets you have hidden from us? You can see my answers at Aryd'ell
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